29th Edition

13th International Competition for “Period Instrument Ensembles”

2nd International Competition for “New Historical Composition”

Rovereto (Italy), 18-20 October 2024


“Period Instrument Ensemble” Competition – 5 October 2024

“New Historical Composition” Competition – 16 September 2024


Pedro Memelsdorff (Argentina)

“… non solo di Compositore, di Cantore, o di Sonatore: ma di Musico ancora il nome si conuiene. Anzi se con vn sol nome lo douessimo chiamare, lo chiameremo Musico perfetto: percioche dando opera, & essercitandosi nell’vna, & l’altra delle nominate, costui possederà perfettamente la Musica.”

“… not only Composer, Singer, or Player: but Musico is the right name. In fact, if we were to call him by a single name, we would call him Musico Perfetto: because by working, and by practicing one, and the other of the aforementioned, he will possess the Music perfectly.”

G. Zarlino, Istitutioni Harmoniche, Venice 1558, Part One, Chapter 11, p. 21.

… essa docta antiquità sapeva che l’arte et la gratia del componere la harmonia non se po insignare, perche el bisogna che li compositori nascano cosi come nascono li poeti … chi da poi più ultra voleva procedere bisognava che (mediante lo aiuto del preceptore) el fusse prima aiutato da qualche sua optima inclinatione celeste et gratia divina.”

“… this learned antiquity knew that the art and grace of composing harmony cannot be taught, because composers must be born just as poets are born … who then wanted to proceed further (with the help of a tutor) it was necessary that he was first helped by some of his excellent celestial inclinations and divine grace.”

G. Spataro, Letter  to P. Aaron, 6 May 1523.


The Premio Bonporti 2024 is dedicated to Italian Ensemble Music (instrumental or vocal-instrumental) from the period 1600c.-1750c. The aim is to:

  • Enhance the creative aspects of historical music;
  • Encourage extemporaneous ornamentation;
  • Encourage musical composition in an historical style;
  • Perform music in its historic acoustic environment (17th century church, 18th century palazzo).

The 2024 Premio Bonporti is divided into:

  • “Period Instrument Ensemble” Competition
  • “New Historical Composition” Competition.


  • 6 cash prizes;
  • The winning group will record a promotional DVD in sites of historic value in the region. This DVD will be known as the  Bonporti HIP (Historically Informed Performance) Testimonial, as the best testimony and dissemination of historical musical practice. A DVD copy of the video with a presentation booklet will be sent by the Premio Bonporti to the major international Early Music Festivals and organisations;
  • The winning composition will be performed in the Final Round of the Ensemble Competition and will be published in the Premio Bonporti’s “New Historical Composition” series.
  • Other new compositions in the competition which are deemed suitable may be published in the Premio Bonporti’s “New Historical Composition” series.


Pedro Memelsdorff (Argentina) – President

Angelo Bartoletti (Italy)

Matteo Messori (Italy)

Elam Rotem (Israel)

Romano Vettori (Italy)


“Period Instrument Ensemble” Competition

All instrumental and vocal-instrumental groups that simultaneously meet the following requirements can participate in the Competition:

  • They use original instruments or copies of original instruments;
  • They are consist of a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 6 members;
  • They include (excluding Duos) at least two melodic instruments in pairs or different ones (violins, recorders or transverse flutes, oboes) and a continuo instrument;
  • The individual members of the group must have been born after 23 September 1988 (the limit also applies to any members who also participate in the “New Historical Composition” competition).

 “New Historical Composition” Competition 

  • New compositions in an historical style (1600c.-1750c.) unpublished (as a score, CD, DVD or in other multimedia) and never performed;
  • All musicians can participate, without an age limit.

If there is a family relationship between a candidate and a member of the jury, the latter will abstain from voting;

If a participant has been a student of, or played with a member of the jury in the last two years, the latter will abstain from voting.


“Period Instrument Ensembles” Competition

  • First prize:
    • €1000
    • Recording in regional locations of historical value a promotional DVD, the  Bonporti HIP (Historically Informed Performance) Testimonial (see point 1. Awards)
  • Second prize: €800
  • Third Prize: €600
  • Fourth Prize: €400
  • “Rovereto City of Peace” Audience Prize: €500

“New Historical Composition” Competition

  • First prize:
    • €1000
    • Performance of the composition during the Ensemble Competition
    • Publication of the  composition
  • Awards of merit
    • Publication of other compositions in the competition deemed suitable by the Jury

The prizes are all indivisible and, at the sole discretion of the Jury, they may not be awarded.


Each member of the admitted groups and the winner of the “New Historical Composition” award will receive:

  • €150 as a contribution to expenses for their stay in Rovereto (see also point 13 “Hospitality”)
  • €20 (voucher) for participation in the lunch after the Awards Ceremony (20 October)

For the performance of the winning composition, each group will be given a scholarship of € 200 in total.


5.1.    Selection for admission by sending audio-video material (deadline 5 October 2024 (see point 8.2). Group members are warmly invited to also participate in the “New Historical Composition” Competition(deadline for the submission of the composition 16 September 2024 see point 9.4);

5.2.    Live performance in “Da Chiesa” (max. approximately 30′) – programme of Italian music from the Baroque period 1600c.-1750c.: – performance in a 17th century church in Rovereto;

5.3.    Live performance in “Da Camera” (max. approximately 20’+ [excluding Duos] c.10′ for the performance of the winning composition) – programme of Italian music from the Baroque period 1600c.-1750c. – performance in an 18th century palazzo in Rovereto.

5.4    For the performance of the winning composition, each group will be given a scholarship of € 200 in total.

The winning New Historical Composition will be assigned to all participating groups (excluding Duos) on the day of their arrival in Rovereto. The groups will not be judged on their performance of this piece, but only on their performance of the programme they have prepared.


6.1.    Elaboration of a “theme” [first bars  of a F.A. Bonporti’s  sonata a tre] published on the Premio Bonporti website to be treated in the form of a chamber trio sonata with unrealized basso continuo (the composition must include at least three movements for a total duration of approximately 8′-10′; the elaboration of the “theme” may be limited to only one of the movements); to be sent in PDF format by 16 September 2024 (see point 9.4);

6.2.    The composition must be created using melodic, harmonic and rhythmic procedures consistent with the historical musical period 1600c.-1750c., and must allow  (in the “extensions” of the melodic instruments) the possibility of using violins and/or recorders or transverse flutes or oboes. Candidates may choose to indicate in the score any contrapuntal procedures used (“obligations”, canonical forms, etc.);

6.3.    The candidate must mark the composition with a pseudonym or “motto” and send it via e-mail (see point 9.4), possibly attaching a description of the composition and the procedures used;

6.4.    To guarantee the anonymity of the composition, the envelope sent by express mail containing the Application Form with the name of the candidate associated with the pseudonym or “motto” (see point 9.3) will be opened only after the Jury’s vote;

6.5.    The Jury will be able to decide whether to admit the winning composition for performance and publication;

6.6.    The Jury may decide to also publish other compositions in the competition which are deemed worthy.


During the Competition, the following instruments will be available for participants (only in the places and times of the official tests – see point 12 “Calendar”):

7.1.    1 Italian claviorgan at  440Hz (mesotonic temperament);

7.2.    1 Italian harpsichord with one keyboard at 415Hz (temperament 1/6 comma synt.).


THE ENSEMBLES must by 5 October 2024:

8.1.    Send the completed registration form online on the websitewww.premiobonporti.it

8.2.    Send as an attachment to the form:

8.2.1. Audio-video recording with complete musical pieces from the period 1600c—1750c. (maximum total duration approximately 10′) (in MP4 or AVI format). The pieces must be listed on the sheet and must be different from the two programmes presented for the live performances (see points 5.2 and 5.3). The participating groups have the right to present programmes with different instruments;

8.2.2. Detailed description of the two programmes for the live performances (see points 5.2 and 5.3). In particular, specify for each piece: a) author; b) title; c) instruments/voices used; d) approximate duration.

8.2.3. Overall CV (max 20 lines) of the group;

8.2.4. Artistic photo (.jpg format min. 300 dpi) of the group;

8.2.5. Scan of the registration fee payment receipt (in .jpg min. 300 dpi or .pdf format) – see point 10;

8.2.6. Scan of the identity document or passport of each member of the group (in .jpg min. 300 dpi or .pdf).

All the aforementioned documents must be sent exclusively in electronic format using the registration form on the website www.premiobonporti.it

Only the groups admitted must send by 16 October to info@premiobonporti.it (in .pdf format) all the scores of the programmes proposed for live performance in Rovereto (see points 5.2 and 5.3).


COMPOSERS must by 16 September 2024:

9.1.    Download the registration form from the website www.premiobonporti.it and fill it in on paper, complete with your pseudonym or “motto”;

9.2.    Attach to the form:

9.2.1. Curriculum vitae (max 20 lines);

9.2.2. Photo;

9.2.3. Copy of the registration fee payment receipt – see point 10;

9.2.4. Copy of identity document or passport;

9.3.    Send the form and attachments in a sealed envelope via express mail by 16 September 2024 to the address Accademia di Musica Antica – Premio Bonporti, piazza S. Marco 7 – I – 38068 Rovereto (Italy) (the postmark will prevail);

9.4.    The score must be sent anonymously via email by 16 September 2024 In the following way:

9.4.1. Send the composition in a PDF marking it only with a pseudonym or a “motto” to info@premiobonporti.it, possibly attaching a description of the composition and the procedures used.

The email must have the Subject: “New Historical Composition 2024 – [pseudonym or “motto”] and must be sent from an email address containing the same pseudonym or motto.

In any case, the email address must be different from the email address indicated in the registration form. Otherwise, the canditate will be excluded from the competition.


  • “Period Instrument Ensembles” Competition: € 50.00 for each member of the participating group, in a single cumulative sum;
  • “New Historical Composition” Competition: € 75.00.

Payment must be made by bank transfer to the following account:

Accademia di Musica Antica – Piazza San Marco, 7 – 38068 Rovereto TN – Italy

Bank: Cassa Rurale Alto Garda Rovereto

IBAN: IT34 T080 1620 8000 0004 120 7953

Swift/BIC code: CCRTIT2T04A

REASON: Registration fee for Premio Bonporti  2024 (Specify the name of the group, the number of members, the “New Historical” composer’s name)

A copy of the receipt for payment of the registration fee must be attached to the online registration form (see points 8 and 9).

The registration fee will not be refunded in case of non-admission.


The deadline for sending the registration form and attachments (see points 8 and 9) and for paying the registration fee (point 10) is:

“New Historical Composition” Competition:

September 16, 2024

“Period Instrument Ensemble” Competition

October 5, 2024


The competition will take place with the following Calendar:

  • Wednesday 9 October 2024: Communication via email and on the website www.premiobonporti.itof the Winner of “New Historical Composition” Competition and of the groups admitted to the Final of the  “Period Instrument Ensemble” Competition;
  • Thursday 17 October 2024
    • 2.00pm-6.30pm: Group check-in at the Competition Secretariat (see point 15);
    • 2.30pm – 9.00pm: Group acoustic rehearsals in a 17th century church (1.30h each)
  • Friday 18 October 2024
    • 9.30 – 1.15pm: Group acoustic rehearsals in a 17th century church (45′ each)
    • 5.00pm: Performance of “Church Music” with Jury
  • Saturday 19 October 2024
    • 9.30am – 1.15pm: Group acoustic rehearsals in an 18th century palazzo (45′ each)
    • 5.00pm: “Chamber music” performance with Jury
  • Sunday 20 October 2024
    • 11.00: Awards ceremony
    • 12.30: Lunch for participants and Jury

The Performances in front of the Jury will be public and may be broadcast online in international video streaming on the Premio Bonporti website, Facebook page and YouTube channel.

The organisation reserves the right to disseminate and use the recordings or part of them for promotional purposes even after the Competition has taken place.

By registering for the Competition, all competitors renounce any form of compensation connected with publications, recordings and their dissemination.


The organization offers each participant of the groups admitted to the live performances and the Winning composer of the “New Historical Composition” a scholarship for their stay in Rovereto (see point 4) which will be delivered on the day of check-in, and 1 voucher for lunch on the day of the awards ceremony (20 October).

For your stay it is recommended to book as far in advance as possible:

Rovereto Hostel

Via delle Scuole 18

I – 38068 Rovereto TN

tel. +39.(0)464.486757

info@ostellorovereto.it – www.ostellorovereto.it

For further information on your stay in Rovereto:








All participants unconditionally accept these Regulations;

The Organisation may decide to make minor changes to the present Regulations without prior notice;

The Rovereto Court of Law will be competent for any legal controversy;

There is no appeal against the decisions of the Jury.


Palazzo Carpentari von Mittenberg
Piazza San Marco, 7
I – 38068 Rovereto TN

tel. +39.333.4813958

info@premiobonporti.it– www.premiobonporti.it

© 2024 Accademia di Musica Antica, Rovereto (Italy)