27th Edition
12th International Baroque Ensemble Competition
1st International Historical Composition Competition
Rovereto (Italy), October 25th-30th 2022
Deadline: October 20th 2022
Pedro Memelsdorff
The Premio Bonporti 2022 is dedicated to Italian ensemble music of the period 1600c.-1750c., instrumental or mixed vocal-instrumental and presents some important innovations:
- enhancement of the creative aspects of historical music:
- extemporaneous ornamentation;
- musical composition;
- performance in a historical acoustic environment (the organ loft of an 18th century church – the salon of an 18th century palazzo);
- Admission of a maximum of 4 ensembles (selection through audio-video material);
- the admitted ensembles will be judged on four live performances:
- A programme of your choice of Italian “church” music from the Baroque period (1600c.-1750c.) performed twice, with different ornamentation and improvisation;
- A programme of your choice of Italian “chamber” music from the Baroque period (1600c.-1750c.) performed twice, with different ornamentation and improvisation;
- Composition test (optional) by a member of the group (see point 7 “New Historical Composition”);
- 6 cash prizes;
- The winning ensemble will record a promotional DVD in sites of historic value in the region. This DVD will be known as the BONPORTI HIP (Historically Informed Performance) TESTIMONIAL, as the best testimony and divulgation of historical performance practice;
A promotional copy of the DVD with accompanying presentation book will be sent by the Premio Bonporti to the main international festivals and early music organisations.
Pedro Memelsdorff – President (Argentina)
Alessandro Ciccolini (Italy)
Giorgio Pacchioni (Italy)
Elam Rotem (Israel)
Romano Vettori (Italy)
All instrumental, vocal and mixed vocal-instrumental ensembles that meet the following requirements at the same time can participate in the competition:
- They use original instruments or copies of original instruments;
- They have a minimum of 3 (three) and a maximum of 7 (seven) members;
- The individual members of the ensembles must have been born after 15 October 1986. For the composers candidates no age limits.
- Competitors not satisfying all the previous requirements will not be admitted to the competition.
- If there is a family relationship between a player of the ensemble and any member of the jury: the involved juror will abstain from voting for that competitor;
- If a player of the ensemble is or has been a pupil of any member of the jury, or played in an ensemble directed by a jury member:the involved juror(s) will abstain from voting for that competitor.
- First Prize
- 1.500,00 EURO
- DVD recording as “Bonporti HIP Testimonial” (see 1. Prizes)
- Second Prize – 1000,00 EUR
- Third Prize – 700,00 EUR
- Fourth Prize – 500,00 EUR
- Prize for the best “New Historical Composition” – 800,00 EURO
- The jury will decide if the pieces composed will be performed;
- The prize will only be assigned if there are a minimum of three candidate composers. If there are fewer, the jury and artistic direction will be able to assign special or merit prizes;
- Prize for the best musical programme – 500,00 EUR
- Audience Prize – 500,00 EUR
All prizes are indivisible. The Jury may decide not to assign one or more prizes. Prizes will only be assigned to the final round of the competition.
Each member of the ensembles admitted will receive:
- a grant of € 130,00 as a contribution towards expenses during their stay in Rovereto (see also point 12 “Accommodation);
- a voucher of € 20,00 for the lunch after the Prize Giving Ceremony (October 30th)
The following keyboard instruments will be at the disposal of the participants (only in the places and times of the official tests – see point 11 “Schedule”):
- one 1-manual Italian harpsichord, pitch 440Hz (mesotonic);
- one positive organ, pitch 440Hz (mesotonic);
- one 1-manual Italian harpsichord, pitch 415Hz (1/6 comma synt.);
- one positive organ, pitch 415Hz (1/6 comma synt.);
One member of each ensemble participating in the selection or individual composers have the opportunity to register for the “New Historical Composition” test.
If his/her ensemble is admitted, he/she will participate in the test, scheduled for 25 October 2022 in the following ways (see also “Schedule” point 11):
- 8-hour “in clausura” elaboration of the assigned “soggetto”, drawn by lot (theme, profane cantus firmus, bass ostinato) possibly with secular text (total duration of composition approximately 5 minutes);
- The elaboration should preferably be in contrapuntal form with basso continuo, using melodic, harmonic and rhythmic procedures consistent with a musical form of the historical period 1600c.-1750c. (single movement of chamber sonata, theme with variations, aria), and with a setting compatible with that of his own ensemble;
- the candidate may indicate in the score the counterpoint procedures used (“obblighi”, canonical forms, etc.);
- the candidate will have at his/her disposal a room with a keyboard instrument and may also use his/her own instrument;
- the candidate may choose whether to use music paper, pen, pencil, rubber or computer;
- Tablets, smartphones and web connections will not be allowed during the test;
- The composition must be performed during the two “chamber”performances by his/her own ensemble; in the case of single participating composers, they will have to perform their own composition on a baroque polyphonic instrument (harpsichord, harp, theorbo etc.)
- The jury can decide whether the compositions will be performed.
The Competition consists of the following stages:
- Selection for Admission (deadline October 15th – only audio-video material – see point 8.2.1);
- “New Historical Composition” test (optional) – see point 7.;
- Live performance test of “Church Music” (max. 25 min. ‘) – a programme of Italian music from the Baroque period (1600c.-1750c ).: – performed in an organ loft in an 18th century church in Rovereto;
- Live performance test of “Chamber Music” (max. 25 min ‘) – a programme of Italian music from the Baroque period (1600c.-1750c.) – performed in the salon of an 18th century villa in Rovereto.
The tests must be repeated with different ornaments and improvisation (see point 11 “Schedule”).
If one of the members of the ensemble participates in the “New Historical Composition” test (see point 7), one of the live programmes will include the performance of the new composition in a historical style ( “chamber”) (see point 7.7, also Application point 8.2.2).
Competitors must by October 20th 2022:
- send the application form completed online at the website premiobonporti.it;
- send via the same application form files containing the following information:
- an audio-video recording with complete musical pieces (maximum total duration approximately 10 ‘, in MP4 or AVI format). The pieces must be specified in the module and must be different from the two programsmes presented for the live performances (see point 5.3 and 5.4). It is possible for participating groups to present programmes with variable settings;
- Detailed description of the two programmes for the live performance tests (see 5.3 and 5.4). In particular, specify for each piece: a) composer b) title; c) components of the ensemble d) approximate duration; if one of the members of the ensemble participates in the “New Historical Composition” test (point 7), the “chamber” programme must have a piece 5 minutes long, which could be replaced by the new composition (if admitted);
- curriculum vitae of the ensemble and curriculum vitae of its components (max 30 lines in word format for each curriculum vitae);
- an artistic photo of the ensemble (.jpg format min. 300 dpi);
- scan of the registration fee receipt (in .jpgmin. 300 dpi or .pdf format) – see point 9;
- scan of identity card or passport (for each member of the ensemble (in jpg or pdf format, minimum resolution 300 dpi);
All the above-mentioned information and documents must be sent exclusively in electronic format via the application form on www.premiobonporti.it
Only the ensembles which have been admitted must send to info@premiobonporti.it by 22 October 2022 (pdf format):
- all the scores of the proposed programmess (see points 5.3 and 5.4);
- European Digital Covid Certificate or valid documentation required by the anti-Covid legislation in force in Italy at the time of the competition (for each member of the ensemble).
A receipt showing payment of the registration fee (€ 50.00 for each member of the participating ensemble in a single cumulative sum), must be sent to the Competition Secretariat or via paypal or by bank transfer to this account:
Accountholder: Accademia di Musica Antica – Piazza San Marco, 7 – 38068 Rovereto TN – Italy
bankname: Cassa Rurale AltoGarda Rovereto
IBAN: IT34 T080 1620 8000 0004 120 7953
PAYMENT DESCRIPTION: Registration fee Premio Bonporti 2022 (Specify name of the ensemble – number of members).
The registration fee will not be reimbursed if the ensemble is not admittedi in case of withdrawal.
The deadline for the submission of the application files (see 8.) and for the payment of the Registration fee (see 9.) is
October 20th 2022
The competition will take place with the following schedule:.
- Wednesday 19 October 2022 – The ensembles admitted will be contacted by email and the announcement made on the Premio Bonporti website premiobonporti.it
- Tuesday 25 October 2022 – “New Historical Composition” test (optional) – 8 hours:
- 11.00-13.00: Candidates check-in
- 13.30-21.30: “in clausura” test (see point. 7)
- Wednesday 26 October 2022
- 8.30-9.30 Check-in ensembles
- 9.30.00-19.45 Acoustic rehearsal groups in historic church (2 hours each)
- Thursday 27 October 2022
- 9.30-13.15: Acoustic rehearsal ensembles in historic church (45′ each)
- Judging Church Music:*
- 17.00 ensembles 1-2-3-4
- 20.45 ensembles: 1-2-3-4
* Each ensemble will perform twice (improvising different ornamentation each time)
- Friday 28 October 2022
- Morning – free
- 13.30-22.15 Acoustic rehearsal groups in historic salon (2 hours each)
- Saturday 29 October 2022
- 9.30-13.15: Acoustic rehearsal groups in historic salon (45′ each)
- Judging Chamber Music:*
- 17.00 ensembles 1-2-3-4
- 20.45 ensembles: 1-2-3-4
* Each ensemble will perform twice (improvising different ornamentation each time)
- Sunday 30 October 2022
- 11am Prize Giving
- 12.30am Lunch for the contestants and jury.
The official tests with the Jury will be open to the public and will be held in the form of a concert. They will be fully broadcast online in international videostreaming from the Premio Bonporti’s website and FB page.
The Organisation reserves the right to publicly broadcast the recordings (or part thereof) and to use them for promotional purposes (including after the competition). It also reserves the right to make and distribute a promo-CD of the competition with all or part of the recorded material. By registering for the Premio Bonporti, competitors waive all rights regarding these recordings and broadcasts.
The organisation offers each participating musician a grant for their stay (see point 4 – Grants) which will be delivered on the day of check-in, and a voucher for lunch on the day of the Prize Giving (30 October).
For accommodation, we recommend booking:
Ostello di Rovereto
Via delle Scuole 18
I – 38068 Rovereto TN
tel. +39.(0)464.486757 or mob. +39 342 7431378
or fax +39.(0)464.400959
info@ostellorovereto.it – www.ostellorovereto.it
For other information regarding your stay in Rovereto:
All participants unconditionally accept these Regulations.
There is no appeal against the decisions of the Jury.
The Organisation may decide to make minor changes to the present Regulations without prior notice.
The Rovereto Court of Law will be competent for any legal controversy.
Palazzo Carpentari von Mittenberg
Piazza San Marco, 7
I – 38068 Rovereto TN
tel. +39.333.4813958
info@premiobonporti.it– www.premiobonporti.it
© 2022 Accademia di Musica Antica, Rovereto (Italy)